Dave is a sucker for a day out on a steam train and the La Trochita is no exception! Having crossed the border into Argentina from Chile, and having checked the weather forecast, we made a beeline for the regional town of Esquel via Trevelin, an attractive town with Welsh roots.
This narrow gauge (75cm) railway, opened in 1935, used to run freight only services from Esquel in the south to Jacobacci in the north, where it met the standard gauge network. These days a short trip for tourists is in operation at either end of the line.
We bought tickets for a return trip from Esquel to Nahuel Pan. Having camped overnight in the station carpark, Dave was up bright and early to watch the steam engine being readied for service.
We departed at 10:00 and travelled through some lovely scenery for about an hour to Nahuel Pan. The rolling stock dates from the 1950s when passenger operations were introduced.
Arriving at Nahuel Pan, we had time for photos and to look around the souvenir stands before our return trip.
Top Tip: for the price of a cup of coffee we bagged a ride back in the buffet coach, which was a lot more comfortable.
The next day we parked up next to a scenic part of the track and had brunch while we waited for the train to pass by, taking some nice photos.
We then backtracked a little and headed into the Parque Nacional Los Alerces where we hiked along one of the lakes before heading north to our next mini-adventure…..
Travelled by steam train when I was young . Used get very dirty. Very noisy too.
These were diesel – to heat the water boiler – so no soot 🙂
Travelled by steam train when I was young . Used get very dirty. Very noisy too.
Very Casey Jones!
I loved that, the video was amazing!
Once again stunning scenery.
Next chapter please..
Very Cassey Jones!!
The photos with the steam train look straight out of a Wild West movie. You quite expect to see a party of Red Indians coming to attack the train.
The scenery looks stunning.
They do actually have ‘attack’ days where bandits hold the train up!
Dave and Francine
“with [your] orders in [your] hands, mounted to the cabin [carriage] and you took your [joyous/scenic] trip from Esquel to Nahuel Pan”
Your Romney to Dymchurch experience.
We have taken that journey too (Romney to Dymchurch)!