The Great Chilote Costumbrista Festival

Having reached the end of the Carretera Austral, we decided to next explore the islands of Chiloé and Quinchao before heading east and back into Argentina. 

The islands were very pleasant (known for their UNESCO listed churches), but the highlight for us was the annual festival in the town of Castro on Chiloé. Lasting five days, the festival is definitely by locals for locals.  The emphasis was on music and folk dancing, meat asado (BBQ) and beer.  Alongside this were stalls selling local produce and crafts. Most of the cooking was done by the bomberos (firemen) – who must have come from far and wide, given the number of asado stalls. We were lucky enough to be allowed to park on site for two days, over which time we visited the festival twice and also explored the town.

Festivities concluded, we booked our ticket for the eight hour ferry from Castro back to Chaiten, from where we would head for the Argentina border at Futaleufu. 

On the way to the border, we met a fellow overlander from Switzerland whose camper was stuck on a river bank where we had both overnighted. Big Bertha made short work of pulling him out!

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