Northern Peru – Bit of a Dump

We travelled north along Peru’s coastline from Lima, with a short deviation into the mountains, before cutting inland to our preferred Ecuadorian border crossing. I have to say Northern Peru does not have so much going for it as the south does. The main feature of driving north of Lima is the incessant rubbish that lines the edge of the roads. It is relentless. Plastic bottles, plastic bags, old TV’s, construction waste, household rubbish – you name it. It’s a real shame.

We asked a local about it (an environmental activist) he explained that there is very limited waste collection and it has become ‘normal’ to keep one’s personal property spotless and dump rubbish in public spaces where the municipality will ‘take care of it’. Even the smallest village in Peru has lovely, well-maintained squares, but as soon as you leave the village, the surrounding areas are covered with rubbish.

The same goes for the beaches. Beautiful beaches except for the rubbish. People bring their picnics and beer to the beach, and leave the waste. Its heart-breaking and very much makes you appreciate what we have back home in the UK.

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3 thoughts on “Northern Peru – Bit of a Dump

    • Author gravatar

      The scariness of the earlier steep drops and hairiness of the bends challenging the driving skills of the certified driver now replaced by the endless roadside and beach litter – seemingly a consequence of a communal belief in fly tipping – assailing the aesthetic senses firmly in place after experiences of ‘yesteryear’. Hopefully, the forthcoming Equadorian experience will erase this unpleasing episode!

    • Author gravatar

      That is disgusting!
      What is wrong with these people?
      That is unacceptable in any country, they should be ashamed.
      Thankfully that’s the first time you have had to witness that, I hope it’s the last!
      Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you both.

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