Having returned from Zanzibar and fitted Big Bertha’s new suspension air bags, we set off for Malawi. But Covid rules changed and after having purchased our Malawian visas, the borders closed overnight. At the same time, David learnt of a family illness necessitating a prompt return home and so we instead headed back to Dylan’s farm in Zambia. We would leave Big Bertha there and fly home to the UK.
On our way across Tanzania, towards the Zambian border, we visited the Isimila Columns, Kisolanza Farm, Ngwasi Lake, and the Utengule coffee plantation. Whilst at Ngwasi Lake, we were invited by locals for a hog roast – a great way to celebrate David’s birthday.
Having arrived at Dylan’s, we arranged flights, had our PCR tests, said goodbye to Big Bertha and flew out. We parted company at Addis Ababa – David heading directly to London and a red list quarantine hotel, whilst Francine flew on to Greece to spend eleven days there before heading to London and self isolation at home.
We have been in the UK for two months now where David is caring for his father.
I’m so sorry to hear about David’s father, I hope all goes well and you can get back to Big Bertha soon.
I was wondering why we hadn’t heard from you for a while, I was hoping you were ok.
Howard is still with us! I’m waiting for my second vaccination but all in all…..
Take care, good luck for your next adventure.
Pauline xxx
Thanks Pauline xx
So sorry to learn of the problems from home and send good wishes for the future.
Thanks Fred
Glad David could make it to look after his father. I’ve just returned to Dubai today. Hope you get a k on your adventures soon
Glad to hear you have returned safely. xx
Hope Dave’s dad gets better soon. Best wishes.
Thank Rocio, xx.
Hugs all round xx
Thanks Reinhard.
Merci Francine et Dave pour ce partage d’aventures !
Que d’expériences et anecdotes certainement qui feraient bien en effet l’objet d’un reportage pour votre réseau d’amis ou, pourquoi pas dans les cinémas (genre “découvertes du monde”), les écoles, les maisons de retraite… ou pourquoi pas d’un livre et donner ainsi envie à certains de vivre ou de voyager dans ces contrées loin de notre chez-nous 🙂
Bonne continuation dans votre périple autour du monde !!