Reflections on Morocco

Reflections on Morocco

It’s not Marrakech! When we arrived in Morocco, we had a rough idea that we would travel a conventional route – down the coast, passing through Casablanca, Essaouira, Agadir, Marrakech, etc, and back up on the other side of the Atlas mountain ranges, which split Morocco in half.  But, as we wanted to test Bertha in the desert and we […]

Bertha Makes a Pass

Bertha Makes a Pass

We emerged from a minor road skirting the Anti Atlas mountains at the town of Agouim, with two choices of how to get to Skoura.  We could turn right (road to Ouarzazate and Skoura – 110km) or turn left (road to Touama, crossing the High Atlas range, then to Demnate and back across the mountains to Skoura – 400km).  We […]

Impromptu Lunch in Bouarfa

Impromptu Lunch in Bouarfa

When we started this blog, we were thinking that only friends and family would read it, but we have realised that it is quite a good way to meet other people who are travelling or want to travel.  So it was that Salima got in touch with us, when we pulled up in her home town of Bouarfa.  We arranged […]

Here We Go!!…

Here We Go!!…

So, we had a couple of months of waiting before we could go anywhere – waiting for Big Bertha to arrive, waiting for Dave to pass his HGV test, waiting for our belongings to arrive from Malaysia, waiting for Amazon deliveries to furnish our new home, waiting for the ferry to deposit us outside of the UK… But eventually we […]