Starter Motor Woes

Starter Motor Woes

We stopped for a roadside pee and afterwards Big Bertha refused to start. Our toilet break lasted six days!! There were signs of our impending problem that morning – when we were a looong way from civilisation and had parked a few kilometres off the road! Big Bertha really didn’t want to get going and grumbled when we tried to […]

Gauchos Galore

Gauchos Galore

Driving north from Caviahue to Chos Malal we felt we were very much in Argentine Gaucho country.  Around every bend, we came across another herd of sheep / goats / cows / horses being shepherded along the road, presumably to market or a more tasty field.  These weren’t short drives either.  The Gauchos were accompanied by pack horses and, having […]



On our way north, generally following the Ruta 40 in Argentina, we decided to make a quick foray into Chile to visit some volcanoes, particularly the active Volcán Villarrica near Pucón. Leaving Junín de los Andes, the clouds started closing in as we headed towards Parque Nacional Lanin, and although we had been told there would be spectacular views of […]

Bariloche to Junín de los Andes

Bariloche to Junín de los Andes

After our horse riding adventure, we headed into Barilioche to meet Charlene, a Taiwanese friend we had met in BA whilst Scottish Country Dancing.  Bariloche is a delightful town – imagine a Swiss town nestled next to a vast lake with mountains all around.  You get the idea. The only unfortunate thing is that it has a reputation for break-ins […]