Inflating Big Bertha’s Tyres

Inflating Big Bertha’s Tyres

When driving off road, it can be very advantageous to deflate our tyres thereby greatly extending their footprint, or contact area.  Deflating helps driving in sand for example. Letting air out of our tyres is fairly straightforward using my ARB deflator from my desert driving days – it’s a device that extracts the inner Schrader valve, but keeps it captive. […]

Wild?  He was livid!

Wild? He was livid!

We couldn’t blog about Namibia without mentioning the wildlife! As we drove out of the airport at Windhoek, we saw giraffe (albeit behind a fence) and we knew we were in for some special animal encounters in the country. Whereas the centre and south of Namibia has many large fenced private farms, the north has more “conservancies”.  In these conservancies, […]