A Night at the De Klerk Boerdery

A Night at the De Klerk Boerdery

Travelling down a gravel back-road towards Fish River Canyon, we were starting to wonder where we might camp as the clock hit four pm.  It was then we came across a brightly painted plough with a sign for the De Klerk Boerdery (farm).  We took a chance, opened the gate and trundled over a rise to be greeted by a […]

Initial Impressions of Namibia

Initial Impressions of Namibia

Its dry, very dry! Our visa allows us to stay up to 90 days in Namibia and we fully intend to use this time to tour the length and breadth of the country. Distances between ‘things’ are greater than in Europe and we easily drive a couple of hundred kilometres in a day. Fortunately, diesel is reasonably priced at about […]