Our holiday from our holiday…

Our holiday from our holiday…

Sometimes you just need a break from the endless grind of truck life! I’m joking of course, but this holiday was booked before we started our overlanding adventure. Honest. Really! We parked Big Bertha at the Iberican Overlanders and departed Madrid bound for West Papua in Indonesia for a cruise around Raja Ampat onboard the Ombak Putih. We had a […]

Big Bertha to the Rescue

Big Bertha to the Rescue

We recently had occasion to help out some fellow campers. It has been very wet in our part of Spain and it’s so easy to get stuck on grass in a front wheel drive camper; even on the level. And so it came to be the other day when a couple of campers ventured into the grass overflow carpark and, […]

Here We Go!!…

Here We Go!!…

So, we had a couple of months of waiting before we could go anywhere – waiting for Big Bertha to arrive, waiting for Dave to pass his HGV test, waiting for our belongings to arrive from Malaysia, waiting for Amazon deliveries to furnish our new home, waiting for the ferry to deposit us outside of the UK… But eventually we […]