Happy New Year (2025)!!

Happy New Year (2025)!!

Wishing our family, friends and fellow overlanders a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year! We hope you enjoyed the New Year’s Eve celebrations wherever you were on this marvellous planet we call home. This year NYE found us perched on top of a hill at a small, but very nice, campsite on the outskirts of Quito in Ecuador. Although on […]

We Made Chocolate!

We Made Chocolate!

On our way to Puyo we took a detour from the E35 and visited a Cocoa farm in the jungle. It was a really neat experience where we got to make chocolate and then take it away with us! Step1 – Pick the Cocoa pod from the tree, open it up and strip the beans from the ‘tube’. The fleshy […]

Ecuador – It’s a Jungle!

Ecuador – It’s a Jungle!

We went from the arid and dirty Peruvian coastline to the lush and tidy jungle of Ecuador. A very pleasant change! Crossing into Ecuador at the small border at Macará, we followed a busload of passengers, that completely overwhelmed the border staff. A few hours later we emerged as the sun was setting and we scrabbled to find our first […]