Happy New Year (2025)!!

Happy New Year (2025)!!

Wishing our family, friends and fellow overlanders a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year! We hope you enjoyed the New Year’s Eve celebrations wherever you were on this marvellous planet we call home. This year NYE found us perched on top of a hill at a small, but very nice, campsite on the outskirts of Quito in Ecuador. Although on […]

We Made Chocolate!

We Made Chocolate!

On our way to Puyo we took a detour from the E35 and visited a Cocoa farm in the jungle. It was a really neat experience where we got to make chocolate and then take it away with us! Step1 – Pick the Cocoa pod from the tree, open it up and strip the beans from the ‘tube’. The fleshy […]

Ecuador – It’s a Jungle!

Ecuador – It’s a Jungle!

We went from the arid and dirty Peruvian coastline to the lush and tidy jungle of Ecuador. A very pleasant change! Crossing into Ecuador at the small border at MacarĂ¡, we followed a busload of passengers, that completely overwhelmed the border staff. A few hours later we emerged as the sun was setting and we scrabbled to find our first […]

Peru – Round Up

Peru – Round Up

From Nazca, we headed towards the coast. On the way, we visited Ica and its splendid museum, where we saw real mummies recovered from the nearby archaeological sites and examples of elongated heads. This cranial deformation took place when the person was an infant by applying tight cloth bandages and was an indication of high status. We met up with […]

Northern Peru – Bit of a Dump

Northern Peru – Bit of a Dump

We travelled north along Peru’s coastline from Lima, with a short deviation into the mountains, before cutting inland to our preferred Ecuadorian border crossing. I have to say Northern Peru does not have so much going for it as the south does. The main feature of driving north of Lima is the incessant rubbish that lines the edge of the […]

Peruvian Mountain Roads – Nightmare!!

Peruvian Mountain Roads – Nightmare!!

Leaving Lima, we wandered up the coast to Paramonga and, against Francine’s better judgement, turned inland to explore the Peruvian mountains. We climbed 2,500m, with the weather deteriorating the further inland we went and camped half way up before reaching the plateau at 4000m plus. It was very spartan countryside before slowly getting more populated as we followed the Rio […]

The Nazca Lines

The Nazca Lines

Just outside the town of Nazca in southern Peru is a flat desert plain on which ancient peoples (500BC – 500AD) etched hundreds of large images (geoglyphs), sometimes over 300m in length, that only really become apparent when viewed from above – the Nazca Lines. Our merry band of overlanders, David and Francine, Ivan, Heather and Jon, and Gerhard and […]

Peru –  A Promising Start

Peru – A Promising Start

We left the Bolivian holiday town of Copacabana and crossed into Peru at the Kasani border crossing. The border personal were serious, but very polite. A promising start. Having had our passports stamped and collected Big Bertha’s temporary import permit (TIP) we entered Peru and were immediately greeted by numerous and quiet fuel stations – what a change from Bolivia! […]

Bolivia Round Up

Bolivia Round Up

We spent just over a month in Bolivia. Not our longest visit by a far cry, but given the fuel shortages and regular road blockades (government protests), we decided to not press our luck. We entered Bolivia from Chile in the south on the Laguna Route and drove to Uyuni to visit the Salt Flats which we explored for several […]

Blessing Big Bertha

Blessing Big Bertha

Exploring Copacabana in Bolivia, we saw a lot of decorated cars around the town. Further investigation revealed they had been adorned with trimmings in preparation for their blessing by the pastor at the town’s church. Turns out this is quite a thing. Each day at 10am and 2:30pm, and especially at weekends, vehicles assemble outside the church ready for their […]